All interesting in Baku: shopping at the mega-center, a trip to the holy places, and a walk along the promenade!

4 hours
From 20 USD
Prices for groups of 7 people and up.
Price of individual tours - upon request.
Included in cost
  • All paid parking
  • Transport
  • Guide services
Not included in cost
  • Personal expenses
Special interest tour

Shopping in Baku

Do you want to enjoy your trip to Baku? We will go to the largest shopping center in Azerbaijan! It is so big that sometimes it is called the "city in the city." There are so many products that you can get lost, but most importantly there are very nice prices here.

Due to not to offend sellers do not forget to trade in a bazaar!

It is unrealistic to go around the mega-center in 1 day, so prepare a shopping list in advance. I will help you to find the right shopping area. Several shops on the territory of the center sell beautiful fur coats made of natural fur. By the way, by the end of winter, prices for them significantly drop. You also may find here carpets, handmade glasses, and national teapots. So we promise that the shopping will be great!

Bibi-Heybat Mosque

On the way to Baku we will stop to see the Bibi-Heybat Mosque, the one of the main shrines of the Muslim world.

In fact, this is a cemetery of saints: several direct descendants of the prophet Muhammad and the daughter of the seventh Imam Ukeyma khanum are buried on the site of the temple.

Until the 13th century, information about this fact was hidden. Only with the coming to power of Farrukhzad II in 1281, the construction of the mosque began. In 1936, it was destroyed. It was blown up and rolled up under the asphalt of the highway. Heydar Aliyev, the first president of independent Azerbaijan, issued its restoration in 1994. Construction went on for 10 years, and in 2008, the Bibi Heybat Mosque was opened. Both believers and ordinary tourists come here as well as those who suffer from diseases (it is believed that the shrine helps to cure female infertility).

Visiting a fish restaurant and a walk along the seaside boulevard

It is not permissible to be in Baku and not sit in a fish restaurant! I will invite you to one of these places. We will sit in the cozy atmosphere of a fish restaurant. Tables are set near the coastline. We will try our fish dishes with the special souses.

The prices here are affordable, the staff is attentive, and the food is unbelievably delicious.

We will come back to the hotel through Baku Boulevard due to admire the lights of evening Baku, where if you want you can drive on a Ferris wheel.

You will enjoy it even just walking along the boulevard. There are a lot of unusual flower and smell around.


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