Gala state historical and ethnographic Preserve where the history combines with modernity!

3 hours
From 30 USD
Prices for groups of 7 people and up.
Price of individual tours - upon request.
Included in cost
  • All paid parking
  • Transport
  • Guide services
Not included in cost
  • Personal expenses
  • Entry ticket
Special interest tour


Gala means an ancient stones under a piercing blue sky, birdsong, and the slowly setting sun. It seems that time has stopped here. All the same birds sing their songs, and walls leave long shadows on stony ground. The Gala Historical and Geographical Preserve is one of the most interesting open-air museums. Everyone who is interested in history and wants to plunge headlong into the darkness of centuries is recommendable to come here. You will find out how people lived on Apsheron hundreds years ago, how they built houses, what they ate and drank, and what crafts they owned.

Who is this tour for?

Gala will be interesting to children and adults of all ages. Those who love romantic legends and museums, who are interested in the life of our ancestors, will be especially impressed by a trip to Gala.

You will visit a real medieval fortress, climb a well-preserved tower, and admire Apsheron from a bird's eye view. 

You will see mounds, drawings, restored clay-straw dwellings, jewelry, dishes, household items, and other artifacts found in the Gala.

Ancient stones of Gala

The tour begins with a tour of the fortress of Gala. You stroll along the stout stonewalls, see the unique Bronze Age Stonehenge and cave paintings,

visit the ancient forges, bazaars, and well-preserved medieval buildings. You will find out why the fortress was built and how it was destroyed, as well as what secrets it can hide.

Apsheron from the birds-eye view

After a walk around the fortress, you will climb to its highest point, the spiral staircase to the observation platform of the tower. You will explore the expanses of the Apsheron Peninsula as ancient soldiers and take wonderful photographs.

Museums of Gala: samovars and art objects

The standard excursion program is included the visit to the all parts of the museum. You can see with your own eyes the interior items, dishes, lamps, as well as a huge collection of old samovars of all shapes and sizes in the museum of antiques.

Another interesting part of the Gala museum is garbage museum that is so interesting that you cannot pass by. It presents unusual, exciting spirit, and strange art objects from household waste.

If you wish, we may also include to our program a visit to the Gala Island Amusement Park. there is a picturesque arboretum and several cozy cafes that prepare wonderful national dishes on the territory of the park. In addition, it is possible to order an interactive tour "Getting to know national life from the inside" for a standard excursion in the Gala.

Experienced craftsmen will invite you into the ancient life of the inhabitants of Apsheron. You will try yourself in weaving, pottery or bake bread in the oven according to the ancient Azerbaijani recipe. You will get a lot of impressions, make unique photos and take with you wonderful memories of this magical place where history is combined with modernity.

Information for Guides

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